• Fast Turnaround
  • Fully Customizable
  • Engraving and Printing
  • Single Glass Gifts to Large Bulk Orders

How We Engrave

Stemless wine glasses with cut film inside the glass.Stemless wine glasses with cut film inside the glass.

What is engraving?

When using the engraving method of decorating glassware, we take your created design and physically carve it into the surface of the glass. The result is an elegant and even mark that will appear in the natural color of frosted white. Engraving is different from other decorating methods because the design truly becomes part of the glass surface.

What type of engraving method do you use?

We primarily use sandblasting, which is the premiere method for engraving glass. An individual film mask/stencil is made and hand applied to each glass, which is then “blasted” in a cabinet by a high pressure stream of air and abrasive. The mask protects the glass areas that will remain clear, while the abrasive etches away the glass in the areas to be engraved. For some specialized designs, we do have laser machines that we can also use to mark the glass.


A masked wine glass being hand engraved using the method of sandblasting.A masked wine glass being hand engraved using the method of sandblasting.
A custom mask being hand applied to a beer mug.A custom mask being hand applied to a beer mug.

Is the engraving permanent?

Yes, it is truly permanent. It is carved into the glass surface. Unlike other decorating methods, your engraving will never wash, chip, or wear off. Engraved glasses can be machine washed as many times as you like. 

How much detail can my design have?

Our engraving methods, both sandblasting and laser engraving, can produce intricate results. Designs are created or edited using a computer graphics program. Any artwork that can be set up or converted to pure black and white on a computer screen can be replicated on the item to be engraved.


A pair of engraved whiskey glasses.A pair of engraved whiskey glasses.
Engraved bar shot glasses.Engraved bar shot glasses.

Are there any limitations with engraving?

The primary limitation is color. While an engraved glass has a more elegant appearance and is permanently marked, it is limited to the frosted white color of etched glass. It is also true that when engraved glasses are wet, their markings become subtle as they lose some contrast until they are dry again. If you are interested in having glasses decorated with higher contrast colors, consider our screen printing or digital printing options. Please contact us if you have any questions!