Ooblie Dooblie

Ooblie Dooblie

Ooblie Dooblie

Number of players


Objects needed

A glue stick

How to play

All players begin by sitting around a table, each player is given a number which corresponds to the number of people in the game (e.g. if there are 5 players they are numbered 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.) Each player must also have their own drink

The first player starts the game off by saying

"I Ooblie Dooblie number 1, with no Ooblie Dooblies on my face nominate you Ooblie Dooblie number 2 (or the number of whomever they want) with no Ooblie Dooblies on your face to drink.”

The player who has just been nominated then has to take a drink. After this they then repeat the saying that has just been stated but replacing the “ Ooblie Dooblie numbers” with their own, as well as whoever they plan to nominate.

When someone makes a mistake while they are saying the phrase, such as getting the number of Ooblie Dooblies wrong, they receive anOoblie Dooblie on their face. Once someone gets an Ooblie Dooblie they then say the passage again, but must remember to add the number of Ooblie Dooblies they have on their face. An example of this would be "I Ooblie Dooblie number 2 with 1 Ooblie Dooblie"

To give someone an Ooblie Dooblie you simple need to press a glue stick to their face in a circle and then put glitter on it.