


Number of players


Objects needed

A deck of cards


How to play

A deck of 52 cards is shuffled and spread across a table face down. Each player removes a card from the table; each card has its own act assigned to it which must be performed when the card is picked.

Ace - You must ask a player a question, that player must then respond by asking another player a question, this carries on until a player makes a mistake such as answering the question or pauses for too long prior to answering a question.

King - Finish your drink

Queen - When a player picks up the queen they get to create a new rule for the game (i.e. You can only drink with your left hand.)

Jack - The last person who has picked up a jack is the thumb master

10 - When a player picks up a 10 they say “Never have I ever…..” and then complete the sentence with something that they have never done before. All players who have done the said act must drink.

9 - Nine is the “I always” card which is pretty much the opposite of "Never have I ever".

8 - Person to the right drinks

7 - Person to the left drinks

6 - Play direction changes

5 - Hand out 5 drinks to the players of your choice. The drinks may be split e.g. 2 drinks for Jack and 3 for Ben.

4 - Drink 2, Hand out 2.

3 – Take 3 drinks.

2 – Take 2 drinks.