


Number of players


Objects needed

Deck of cards

How to play

The dealer begins by shuffling the cards and dealing the deck between all players including themselves. The dealer then puts the card from the top of the deck face up in front of his or her self. The player to the left of the dealer puts the card from the top of their deck face up in front of them. If the two cards are the same then they both have to take the amount of drinks as the number that is on the cards indicate (ace=1 jack=11 queen=12 king=13) This is followed by the player to their right putting their card on the table face up until all players have gone around in a circle. 

If the cards are not the same then the player on the left puts their card on the table and the person next to them puts their card on the table, players continue to go around the table until 2 people lay the same card in a row. These two players have to then drink the number of shots shown on the cards.