


Number of players


Objects needed

Deck of cards

How to play

The dealer shuffles the cards and lays down 15 cards in the shape of a pyramid. He or she then deals each player 5 cards face down. The dealer then turns over the top card of the pyramid. If a player has the card that has been flipped over in their hand as well, then the player whose turn it is can then choose someone who must drink.

You do not show your card when you tell someone to drink because you can also bluff and say you have the card when in fact you do not. The person who is chosen to drink can take the drink or challenge the person who says they have the card. If the person who said they have the card does not actually have the card they then have to drink double. If they do have the card the person who challenged them must drink double instead.

If a player has more than 1 of which ever card has been turned over, each card will count as a drink which the player can choose to distribute any way they see fit, either to an individual or to multiple players.