


Number of players


Objects needed

  • 2 Decks of Cards
  • Alcohol

How to play

For this game only 4 players can play the game at a time, the remaining person is the auctioneer. You need to arrange 15 cards into a pyramid shape on the table making sure that all the cards are face down.

x8 []
x6 [][]
x4 [][][]
x2 [][][][]
x1 [][][][][]

The rest of the cards are then evenly dealt out between the remaining players (not including the auctioneer).

The dealer starts the game off by flipping over the bottom left card to reveal its value. In this case let's assume the player has revealed a 4. The dealer then has to say "we have a 4, going once, going twice..." If another player has a card of the same value, then they can put their card on top of the table and pick someone to drink. In this case they choose Player 1. The Auctioneer now says "Drinks to Player 1 going once, drinks to Player 1 going twice ..... Drinks to Player 1" and Player 1 then has to drink. Since the auctioneer flipped over a card on the bottom row, Player 1 would have to drink for one second plus the number of cards on the pile, which in this case is two, so Player 1 would have to drink for 1(second)x2(cards)= 2seconds.

A stipulation occurs if there is another player with a four while the dealer is saying "drinks to Player 1 once...." they can put their card on top of the 4 and choose another player to take the drink, or they can still make Player 1 drink. For this example they have chosen Player 3 to drink so the dealer has to say "Drinks to Player 3 once......." just as he did with Player 1. Assuming he gets to three this time, Player 3 would have to drink for 1(second)x3(There are now three 4's in the pile)=3 seconds.