Family Balloon Votive

Description / Family Balloon Votive
Please enter the family (last) name exactly as it would be written for a single family member. We will automatically add the plural "s" when creating your votives. In cases where a family name ends in s, x, z, ch, or sh, we will add "es" to form the plural.
The word "The" will automatically be added above the family name, unless requested otherwise.
We will adjust sizing and spacing accordingly depending on the length of the name entered in the "Family (last) Name to Engrave" box, and the length and quantity of names entered in the "First Name(s) to Engrave" box.
NOTE: this product does not include a candle. Also, please note that while we do stock several different votive shapes, the glass used for this product is our 4.75 ounce Balloon Votive.
Glass Specifications
Glass Type: Balloon VotiveMaterial: Glass
Capacity: 4.75oz
Height: 2 1/2"
Max Width: 2 5/8"
Base Width: 1 3/8"
Weight: 0.2 pounds
Manufacturer: Libbey Glass
Libbey Product Number: 1965