Engraved Color Graphics
At GlassWithaTwist.com, we can use your colored graphic to create your engraving. Please note that glass only engraves in the single color of frosted white, as we are physically carving into the surface of the glass with a sand abrasive. The different colors included in your graphic will all appear the same. For that reason, we generally recommend supplying us with pure black and white or single color graphics. Some multi-color graphics can also translate easily, however, this is not always the case. Below are several examples to help illustrate this. Samples of colored graphics are on the left. Photographs of actual glasses engraved with those graphics are on the right.

Although there are four colors included in the above graphic (blue, light blue, purple, and light purple), none of the colors touch or overlap each other. Because of this, they can all be expressed in the single color of frosted white without losing any of the details in the graphic.

There are two colors included in the above graphic (red and blue). Both the red and the blue can’t be engraved as is. If we did, there would be no distinction between the two colors—the graphic would engrave as a solid circle and the “All Night” text would disappear into the background. However, we can achieve a successful result by removing the red color and engraving what is left.

There are three colors included in the above graphic (red, blue, and the white of the text). The graphic depends on color to show the split box behind the text. When the color is removed, the box becomes uniform. When engraved, there isn’t a way for us to differentiate the red and the blue parts of the background rectangle, and they look the same on the glass. As you can see, the engraved result is perfectly fine as long it is acceptable for the background rectangle to appear as a single color.

The above graphic is a good example of how some designs can be modified to work for our engraving purposes. Colors that overlap present a problem—if it were engraved without modification, the lettering would blend in with the background stars and it would be unreadable. In the photograph version, you can see how we outlined the letters to differentiate them from the background stars. The result is a successful engraving.

We've included this example to show a graphic that won’t work well at all for our engraving purposes. Obviously, without color, the rainbow itself won’t translate onto glass. The arc shape will remain, but the individual colors will not. Worse, the black text (easily visible in the full-color version) isn’t visible in the engraved version where it overlaps with the rainbow behind it. Extensive modification might produce a better result, but in general, this is a type of color graphic that won’t translate well when engraved. There are too many overlapping colors, and a core part of the graphic (the rainbow) really needs color for it to make sense to the eye.
Bottom line? We can always accept your supplied color graphic and make suggestions if necessary. If we feel that it won't work well at all, we can discuss alternative solutions.